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The 5 DO's of Dating in College

So, you’re in college and you really want him to ask you out. But unfortunately, everyone around you, including him, wants to just ‘hook up’ (in their dorm rooms, at the local dive, in the library) and no one’s really asking anyone out… on a REAL DATE. Well, it’s time to be part of the solution and stop the vicious cycle! No more ‘hooking up! No more bringing him back to your room (unless you’ve been dating him and are in a committed, exclusive relationship). No more buying your own drinks!

Here are five things you SHOULD do when dating college:

1. HE CAN TAKE YOU OUT – AT LEAST FOR PIZZA AND A BEER. Make sure if you’re going to meet him at the local college dive, he can buy you a beer. That shows interest. Even if he is a starving student, he can buy you a drink and a slice. At least a 2 for 1 special.

2. GIVE ‘CHASE SPACE’. If you are a student that is in the same major, class or dorm as him - you’re going to see him quite often. Don’t stalk him. Don’t see where he’s going. Don’t follow him to the local parties or pubs or what-ev-a. Otherwise, you will get a reputation as a stalkerazzi. In other words, if you see him everywhere on campus, don’t keep running into him. Don’t keep offering to help him with his homework. Don’t be a person that’s so readily available - because it’s very easy for him to fall back and slide into a situation that is very “lackadaisical” - he’ll start taking you for granted. If you want him to ask you out, you want to give him enough ‘chase space’ to initiate.

3. LET HIM BE THE HUNTER. No ‘hooking up’ until monogamy. It doesn’t matter if you’re a high school student or a college student or in the ‘real world’ - it’s the same thing. Men are programmed to take advantage of what they can get easily. So, in order to inspire the hunter gene in him, make him work for it to claim you; do not hook up on the 1 st date, 2 nd date or 3 rd date. Kissing, stroking, petting… fine. Rolling around naked… fine. Just no “in” or “in.” Which means he cannot “go there” unless he takes you off the market. And please use protection at all costs.

4. BE A WILD GIRL, NOT A GIRL GONE WILD. Have fun and be crazy… its college! BUT be responsible, especially on dates. Two drink maximum. Make sure that you get the respect of the guy. Men travel in packs… and they gossip. If they find out that you’re an “Easy Annie” they’re gonna spread that around. Guys are going to end up asking you out just to get a little “hunky-hunky” or a little “funky-funky”…you know what I mean? So you’ve got to make sure you’re not crazy wasted on drugs or alcohol – make good choices. You need to have a clear mind and a clear attitude in order to make the right assessment when picking a mate. Whether you’re young or old, it doesn’t matter. And stay away from video cameras!

5. DRESS FOR CLASS. Just because its school and you’re young, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t care. Dress nice – dress hot. Believe it or not, guys notice. Jeans and flip flops? Well, don’t be surprised if the girl in the cute outfit gets asked out first.


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